Distance Student Resources
Academic Calendar
On the Academic Calendar, you'll find important upcoming deadlines and dates for UW-Platteville, along with the important dates for UW-Platteville collaborative programs and other Universities of Wisconsin online courses.
Academic Catalog
The UW-Platteville catalog represents the most accurate reflection of curricula and policies available up to the time of publication.
Academic Terms Dictionary
If you are new or returning to higher education, our Academic Terms Dictionary can help you learn the terms you will encounter on your path to a degree.
Campus Amenities
If you live near Platteville and are interested, distance education students may pay a segregated fee each semester to utilize campus amenities.
Canvas is a course management system we use for online courses.
Career and Professional Development Office
The Career and Professional Development Office offers some select services to distance students to assist with your career and professional growth.
Counseling Services
University Counseling Services offers a variety of online resources to all students such as the Pioneer Virtual Zen Den, Wellness guides, and Student Online Workshops.
UW-Platteville is partnering with Mantra Health to give you more options for your mental health care through the university. By enrolling in Mantra, you can connect virtually to licensed master’s level therapists or psychiatric nurse practitioners to address your unique needs during daytime, evenings, or weekend hours. UW Mental Health Support 24/7 is an extension of this new service and can be utilized by students anytime they are concerned about themselves or need immediate assistance, call 888-531-2142.
Additionally, distance students can access confidential in-person or telehealth counseling sessions, which are covered if you choose to pay segregated fees in addition to tuition. Counselors are licensed to practice with students located in Wisconsin and Iowa.
Courses and Registration
To help you plan what courses to take each semester, browse the course offerings for undergraduate or graduate distance education courses at UW-Platteville by subject or department for course details and availability by semester, and learn more about taking our online courses.
Once you’ve chosen your courses, you can register for courses. Your advisor will assist you with your course selection and will check with you each semester to ensure you meet the registration deadlines.
If you need to drop a course, contact your advisor and follow the steps to drop a distance education course.
All university email communications will be sent to your UW-Platteville email account.
Ready to apply for graduation? Find information for your next steps to graduation.
Library Resources
The UW-Platteville Karrmann Library is available to help you locate peer-reviewed articles and books to support your projects and papers.
MINDS@UW is designed to store, index, distribute, and preserve the digital materials of the University of Wisconsin.
Log into PASS to register for courses, make a payment, review financial aid, maintain your contact information, and more.
Student Advisory Board
The Student Advisory Board is made up of volunteer student representatives from our programs who act as advocates for all distance education students. The Board advises student concerns and suggests new initiatives for distance students. If you have any concerns, suggestions, or questions, please reach out to a representative.
The board meets via video conference three times during the academic year and they discuss topics submitted by members and students. The feedback provides staff with recommendations when changes to policies are being considered.
If you would like to serve on this volunteer advisory board, or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to sab@uwplatt.edu.
Student Conduct Code and Policies
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville is a vibrant, diverse, active community. You are expected to be aware of and comply with the law, and with university policies and regulations.
Student Consumer Information
Federal and state regulations require universities to provide enrolled and prospective students with certain consumer information.
Students with Disabilities
The mission of the UW-Platteville Disability Access Center is to create an accessible, inclusive, sustainable learning environment, where disability is recognized as an aspect of diversity that is integral to the campus community and to society. The Disability Access Center collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and the campus community to facilitate equal access and full inclusion of disabled individuals through innovative services, programs, and partnerships.
Accommodations are determined by trained Disability Access Center staff through your documentation of a disability and an interview process. UW-Platteville provides reasonable accommodations that are individualized and based on the nature of the disability and academic environment. The purpose of academic accommodations is not to ensure success, but to provide access and equal opportunity.
For more information, please contact the Disability Access Center at dac@uwplatt.edu or 608.342.1818.
Technical Support
Our learning management system requires the use of particular browsers and plug-ins. Visit computer requirements for more information. Contact the Help Desk at 608.342.1400, or email at helpdesk@uwplatt.edu, for assistance with:
- Accessing your online courses and campus resources such as Karrmann Library
- Accessing PASS and your Student Center
- Your UW-Platteville NetID (username) and password
Visit textbooks for information.
Time Management
Because many of our distance students are trying to balance their studies with working full time or having family obligations, we have created a list of time management tips and resources to help you make the most of your time with us.
Tuition and Fees
Review tuition and fees for graduate and undergraduate courses and the payment options.
Brainfuse HelpNow is a free online tutoring and writing service that is available in your online courses. To access this service, log into your online course through Canvas and select “Brainfuse HelpNow” from the left navigation.