Many mechanical, industrial and systems, and electrical engineering courses include lab components. Some lab courses require that you travel to a specific location, UWO-Fox Cities or UW-Platteville, to complete labs and utilize necessary laboratory equipment. Traveling to these labs is mandatory and an important part of your UW-Platteville education.

Preparation Requirements

It is your responsibility to read and print lab instructions, complete the pre-lab, and obtain the specified lab components necessary prior to the scheduled lab time.

UW-Platteville will supply some equipment, and professors will clearly identify what supplies and equipment you will need to bring to the lab sessions. If you have questions regarding what equipment or supplies to bring, contact your instructor for clarification.

Below are some suggested resources for purchasing equipment and supplies:


If you are unable to attend a lab for reasons such as inclement weather, family emergency, illness, etc., you must inform your instructor and determine the best method to complete your lab.