Withdrawing from the university may impact a student’s financial aid in several ways. In addition to impacts on Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, withdrawal may result in repaying a portion of aid received for that term.

The total amount of financial aid a student is required to return is based on their withdrawal date.

Types of Withdrawals

There are two types of withdrawals: official withdrawal and unofficial withdrawal.

Official withdrawal occurs when a student drops all classes or notifies a university official of their intent to withdraw. The date of withdrawal is the day the university is notified of the student’s intent to withdraw.

Unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student receives all non-passing grades (XF, F, W and/or I) for the term. The date of withdrawal is the student’s last date of attendance. If the last date of attendance cannot be determined, the student is assumed to have attended 50% of the enrollment period.

Returned Aid

UW-Platteville will return the required amount of financial aid to the Department of Education or the State of Wisconsin. The student will owe that amount to UW-Platteville. An unpaid balance to the university may result in a registration hold. Review the billing and payment information for more details.

Watch this video to learn more about Withdrawal and Eligibility.

Contact Information

Financial Aid & Scholarships

2100 Ullsvik Hall
Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m.