Dr. Christopher A Baxter

Profile image for Dr. Christopher A Baxter

Contact Info

310 Pioneer Tower
1 University Plz
Platteville, WI 53818-3001

Campuses and Colleges

  • UW-Platteville
  • Business, Industry, Life Science and Agriculture

Department Info

0310 Pioneer Tower
Professor and Program Coordinator of Ecological Restoration and Resource Management


Crop Science/Agronomy
Ecological Restoration
Natural Resource Conservation and Management
Prescribed Fire
Soil Chemistry
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
Soil Physics
Soil Science/Pedology



Dr. Chris Baxter is a Professor of Soil and Crop Science at UW-Platteville, Coordinates the Ecological Restoration and Resource Management (ERRM) program, and also serves as a statewide Nutrient Management Specialist for UW-Extension. Dr. Baxter teaches courses including Soil Science, Introduction to Ecological Restoration and Resource Management, Restoration Revegetation, Wetland Ecology, Restoration, and Management, Soil Fertility, and Soil Physical Properties, and advises students in independent research projects. He also conducts research and develops extension programming in the nutrient management and soil fertility areas and serves on the Pioneer Farm Research Advisory Board. He is the coach of the UW-Platteville Collegiate Soils Team, advises the REC club and co-advises the Agronomy - Soil and Water Conservation Club, and directs high school competitions in agronomy and land judging.

A Prairie du Chien, Wis. native, Dr. Baxter received a B.S. Degree in Soil and Crop Science and Reclamation from the UW-Platteville School of Agriculture. He received an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Environmental Soil Chemistry from Purdue University. He joined the UW-Platteville faculty in 2003.