Karrmann Library
Service Room Phone Number
Acquisitions 118A/118-2 608.342.1647
Administration 208 608.342.1679
Archives Ullsvik, Ground Floor 608.342.1719
Automation 214 608.342.1649
B6 (Learning Lab) Reservations 208A 608.342.1679
B6 (Learning Lab) Schedule B6 608.342.1679
Area Research Center (ARC) Ullsvik, Ground Floor 608.342.1719
Cataloging 118-3 608.342.1643
Circulation (Check-out) 203-1 608.342.1679
Collection Development 118 608.342.1647
Computer Help Desk 107 608.342.1400
Distance Education 213 608.342.1355
Fines and Fees (overdues) 203-1 608.342.1679
Genealogy Ullsvik, Ground Floor 608.342.1719
Government Publications First Floor 608.342.1648
High School Outreach Program 213 608.342.1355
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 203-2 608.342.1648
Journals First Floor 608.342.1647
Magazines First Floor 608.342.1647
Newspapers Main Floor 608.342.1647
Southwest Wisconsin Room Ullsvik, Ground Floor 608.342.1719
Staff Login to ALMA    
Testing Center 108 608.342.6006
Toll Free number   888.450.4632
University Archives Ullsvik, ground floor 608.342.1719

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Karrmann Library

0100A Karrmann Library

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