July 7-13, 2024
The UW-Platteville Pioneer Summer Band Camp has a long tradition of excellence in music instruction. The week-long camp offers exceptional opportunities for motivated students entering grades 7–12 to learn more about music. Students participate in one of two concert bands, faculty-led master classes, sectionals, and a wide range of course offerings. Optional private lessons are also available. In addition to performance, students enjoy recreational activities and other camp fun.
The final concert takes place on the last day of camp and is free and open to the public to attend.
Camp Information
Who can attend
This camp is open to students entering grades 7–12 in fall 2024 (graduated seniors are also welcome).
Residential tuition: $550
Commuter tuition: $450 -
Dates and location
This summer’s camp runs from July 7-13, 2024 at the UW-Platteville campus (Doudna Hall and the Center for the Arts).
On-campus parking is available in the Doudna Hall parking lot (off of Main Street on the left after you pass the Center for the Arts). If the lot is full, you may park on the surrounding streets near the Center for the Arts and Doudna Hall.
View campus map and directions and the university parking lot map.
Scholarship sponsor
If you will be receiving a scholarship for camp, please instruct your Scholarship Sponsor (school/responsible party) to complete the following:
- Make the check/payment out to “University of Wisconsin Platteville” with “Summer Band Camp” in the memo line, along with the sponsored student’s name.
- Mail the payment (with name of the sponsored student) to:
Matthew Gregg
1 University Plaza
180 Doudna Hall
Platteville, WI 53818
Camp Details
Check-in takes place from 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m. on the first day of camp in Doudna Hall. After checking in you will complete your placement audition and theory test.
Final Concert
The final camp concert will be held on Saturday of the camp at 1:30 p.m. The concert is open to the public, without charge, and will be held in the Brodbeck Concert Hall in the Center for the Arts. The final residence hall check-out is AFTER the concert.
Daily Schedule
Here is an example of the daily schedule:
Blue Band Time Gold Band Breakfast 7:40–8:15 a.m. Breakfast Full rehearsal (Concert Hall) 8:30–9:30 a.m. Masterclass Morning break 9:30–9:40 a.m. Morning break Masterclass 9:40–10:40 a.m. Full rehearsal (Concert Hall) Theory Class A/Electives B
(locations and assignments to be posted)10:55–11:25 a.m. Theory Class A/Electives B
(locations and assignments to be posted)Lunch 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Lunch All camp meeting (CFA) 12:30–12:45 p.m. All camp meeting (CFA) Theory Class B/Electives A
(locations and assignments to be posted)12:45–1:15 p.m. Theory Class B/Electives A
(locations and assignments to be posted)Group sectionals 1:20–2:30 p.m. Full rehearsal (Concert Hall) Afternoon break 2:30–2:45 p.m. Afternoon break Full rehearsal (Concert Hall) 2:45–3:30 p.m. Group sectionals Recreation/Jazz Ensemble 3:40–5 p.m. Recreation/Jazz Ensemble Dinner 5:20–6 p.m. Dinner Evening activities 6–10 p.m. Evening activities Room check-in/Wing meetings 9:45 p.m. Room check-in/Wing meetings Lights out 10:15–10:30 p.m. Lights out
Instrumental auditions and theory placement test
All students must audition and complete a theory placement test between 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on the Sunday of camp (following check-in). The audition will consist of:
- Scales (concert pitch): ascending and descending F major, Bb major, Eb major scales. Play as many octaves as possible at a tempo of quarter note = 120.
- A prepared etude or solo of your choice (ex: your solo and ensemble solo).
- Sight reading (provided by the faculty specialist).
Audition results are posted prior to the first rehearsal on Sunday evening.
All campers are expected to bring the following:
- Instrument in good working order
- A pencil and notebook with music manuscript paper
- Music stand
- Percussionists must provide their own sticks and mallets (including timpani mallets) and should bring a snare drum if they own one. All other percussion equipment will be furnished by UW-Platteville.
Please label all personal equipment with your name and address.
Student Recital
On Wednesday of the camp, we will hold a student recital. If you would like to perform in this recital, please alert your faculty teacher during auditions. Don’t forget to bring the piano part for your piece with you – an accompanist will be provided for the recital.
Jazz Ensemble
A jazz ensemble will be available for eligible students based on their audition. Rehearsals are Monday-Friday in the Center for the Arts Instrumental Rehearsal Room from 3:35-4:45 pm. The group will perform at Saturday’s concert. Please tell your auditioner that you are interested and bring a jazz piece to play as part of your audition (the music you’ve played this year in your school jazz band is a good fit for this).
General rules and regulations
Every effort has been made to make your stay in Platteville a pleasant one. We have tried to keep the rules and regulations to a minimum; participants are expected to abide by them.
- Always be on time. This means a few minutes early for class, rehearsals, etc, and having your instrument/stand/music ready to go.
- No one will be excused from rehearsals or concerts, except in cases of sickness or emergency. You must have written permission from a parent to leave the campus and a parent must sign you out prior to leaving.
- No resident camper will be allowed to drive a motor vehicle during camp – car keys must be turned in to the camp office at check-in.
- The use of tobacco, illegal drugs, or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal.
- Instruments must be kept with you at all times (exceptions: tubas, baritones/euphoniums, French horns, contrabass clarinets, tenor and bari saxophones, and percussion equipment).
- Your room must be locked when away from the residence hall. Residence halls will remain locked at all times.
- Illness and accidents must be reported to your dorm counselor immediately.
- Cell phones must be left in residence hall rooms – they are not allowed at rehearsal or class.
- Remember to conduct yourself in a manner that will bring respect to you, your school, and the camp.
The camp reserves the right, upon notification of parents, to dismiss any student during the session for improper dress, conduct, language, or attitude which, in the judgment of the administrative or counseling staff, is deemed detrimental to the other students or normal operation of the camp.
For questions regarding your registration, please contact Youth Programs, at youthprograms@uwplatt.edu or 608.342.3934.
For questions regarding program/camp information, please contact Matthew Gregg at greggm@uwplatt.edu or 608.342.1019.
For questions regarding disabilities and special accommodations, please contact the Department of Performing and Visual Arts at performingandvisualarts@uwplatt.edu 608.342.1143.
- Must be sent in at least one week prior to the beginning of the program.
- Requests are confidential. UW-Platteville provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements.