A University of Wisconsin-Platteville student has been awarded a selective GROW Scholarship for fall 2022/spring 2023. The GROW Cooperative, a partnership of four school districts in South Central Wisconsin – Cambridge, Lodi, Sauk Prairie and Wisconsin Heights – offers these scholarships with the goal of helping rural schools attract and retain teachers.
Recipient Abby Kucken is a senior, currently student teaching Agriculture/Tech Ed in Lodi, Wisconsin.
“This scholarship is life changing, not only to have received $10,000 towards my education, but also because I know that these districts believe in me,” said Kucken, an agriculture education major with a technology education emphasis from Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. “I am so excited to be chosen and to have the support from the districts and to hopefully be lucky enough to teach in one of them.”
The GROW Cooperative offers scholarship opportunities to seniors who are student teaching. Those awarded scholarships agree to sign an agreement with the GROW Cooperative to apply, interview and, if offered, accept a position within one of the GROW districts and teach in that district for three years.