University of Wisconsin-Platteville Chancellor Dennis J. Shields met with students, faculty and staff at UW-Baraboo/Sauk County and UW-Richland, just days after the UW System voted to integrate those institutions with UW-Platteville.
Chancellor Shields, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. D. Joanne Wilson, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and Student Success Angela Udelhofen and Vice Chancellor for University Relations Rose Smyrski traveled to Baraboo Tuesday and Richland Center Wednesday to participate in listening sessions.
The UW System restructuring plan will take place July 1, 2018, and this week’s meetings were the first step in developing and strengthening relationships, Chancellor Shields said.
“I understand that this is a time of uncertainty, but working together, all of us can thrive moving forward,” Chancellor Shields said. “We are here today to listen.”
The UW-Platteville contingent met with community leaders, campus administrators, students, faculty and staff at both institutions to hear their comments and answer what questions they could.
"I think the biggest mistake I could make is to come in here and say, 'yeah, I got this figured out, and I'm going to tell you exactly how we're going to do these things,'" said Chancellor Shields.
The UW-Platteville leader pledged he and his team will continue to meet with the two-year colleges and move forward with plans to the benefit of all three campuses. Shields and the vice chancellors were very encouraged by the visits and what the future holds.
“As stewards of place, we contribute to the well-being of our region,” Chancellor Shields said. “This is an opportunity to create a long-lasting legacy for this region.”
Learn more information about the restructuring online.