Leadership from both institutions gathered at Madison College’s Truax campus to sign four new transfer agreements, a continuation of their partnership and commitment to making it easier for students to transfer from Madison College to UW-Platteville’s bachelor’s degree programs.
The transfer opportunities are in the areas of supply chain management, finance and human resource management, as well as electrical engineering.
“These agreements strengthen the already deep partnership between Madison College and UW-Platteville,” said Dr. Turina Bakken, provost of Madison College, at the signing ceremony. “Together we have found creative and strategic ways to diminish the boundaries between higher education systems and institutions. For our collective students, this provides a clear path toward a bachelor’s, or higher, in high potential and high demand fields of engineering and business.”
UW-Platteville Chancellor Dr. Tammy Evetovich highlighted the deep relationships and remarkable collaboration between the two institutions and noted the alignment of core values and commitment to providing high-quality education to students.
“These program-to-program articulation transfer pathways do so much for all of us, but most importantly they have a long-lasting impact on the overall success of students,” she said. “When we prioritize students and their experiences as they work toward their educational and professional goals, we all succeed.”
With these agreements, completion of the associate degree at Madison College guarantees admission to the selected bachelor degree programs at UW-Platteville. In addition, all associate degree credits from Madison College are transferable and applicable toward the completion of these selected bachelor degrees at UW-Platteville, ensuring there is no delay in the educational pathway for students.
Students transferring under the supply chain management, finance and human resource management agreements can work toward receiving a bachelor’s in business administration from UW-Platteville, said Ramon Ortiz, dean of Madison College’s School of Business and Applied Arts.
“These agreements show how we can recalibrate educational pathways and reimagine what post-secondary access can look like for our students,” Ortiz said. “It also reinforces our commitment to removing barriers and being more innovative and nimble when working toward the aspirational ideal of student access and success.”
The electrical engineering technology (EET) transfer agreement is the result of many years of collaboration between the two institutions’ faculty and administration. It will also be the first agreement between an applied associate degree in electrical engineering technology transferring to a UW System’s bachelor of science in electrical engineering.
This agreement also builds on UW-Platteville’s Engineering Partnerships program. This program makes relocating to Platteville optional; students can be on campus at UW-Platteville to continue their education, or they have the option of staying at Madison College to do so.