In spring 2018, Master of Science in Organizational Change Leadership students and classmates Debi McCullough and Jana Nelson met for a casual lunch in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Little did they know that their initial meeting would soon spark a series of get-togethers with an expanded group of students from across Wisconsin and Illinois.
McCullough led the initiative by inviting Nelson and another classmate, Ashley Deaver, to her home glass studio, where they each created fused glass plates. While the event provided a forum to hone their artistic skills, it also provided a chance for each person to share their interests, skills, and support outside of the online environment.
“We thought it was great to meet each other in person, so that led to expanding invitations beyond the Marshfield/Wausau/Stevens Point area,” McCullough said. “I have found that our classmates have a wealth of experience and knowledge, and believe there is a tremendous benefit in developing a professional network with each other.”
In September, the group had their third event in Madison, Wisconsin, which featured a fused glass class followed by dinner. McCullough, Nelson, Aki Takahashi Edwards, and OCL Program Coordinator Caryn Stanley joined in on the fun.
“It was so valuable to meet in person and get to know each other on a personal level. Our meeting in Madison was just as fun, and I look forward to working and playing with these brilliant women again,” Nelson said.