Making a Case for College series continues

Making the Case for College Series

The Making a Case for College series continues with two panels over the next two weeks. The idea for the program was born out of the desire to connect directly with students and show them the education, career, and life benefits of attending a University of Wisconsin-Platteville campus.

"Making a Case for College is part of a larger program, Campus Connections. I'm excited to be a part of the program because it's a new way for us to connect with students, parents, and schools and make them aware of all the ways our three campuses are working for student success," said Marnie Dresser, interim director of academic outreach. "Specifically, we're able to communicate how Platteville emphasizes advising and coaching, which creates greater academic success and a richer college experience."

Each panel features faculty explaining the academic pathway for degree programs, as well as the transfer paths toward further study. A business leader addresses the value of the degree and course of study and a current student or alumni addresses the experience from their perspective.

"This series is great because it directly connects prospective students with educational experts and industry and business leaders. They will help sort out the student's educational and career plans and answer any questions regarding degree or upskilling programs," said Rebecca Powell, the strategic and continuing education program manager.

The remaining one-hour online panels include:

Pre-Engineering | April 25, 6 p.m.

  • Gil Hantzsch, PE, CEO/President MSA Professional Services
  • Dr. Andrew Pawl, UW-Platteville Engineering Physics Department Chair
  • Dr. Michael Compton, UW-Platteville Assistant Provost for Branch Campuses
  • Marnie Dresser, UW-Platteville Interim Director of Academic Outreach

Food and Agriculture | May 2, 6 p.m.

  • Robert Bascom, Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer of Foremost Farms 
  • Dr. Tera L. Montgomery, UW-Platteville School of Agriculture Professor of Dairy and Animal Science Dairy Innovation Hub liaison  
  • Dr. Michael Compton, UW-Platteville Assistant Provost for Branch Campuses
  • Marnie Dresser, UW-Platteville Interim Director of Academic Outreach
  • Marlee Bonham, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education graduate

Prospective students and adults interested in attending the panels can register at