Dr. Soma Chattopadhyay, University of Wisconsin-Platteville associate professor of chemistry, is introducing her proposal, integrating computational chemistry into the undergraduate chemistry curriculum with the web-based interface program WebMO. Chattopadhyay is one of two UW-Platteville faculty members to receive the Teaching and Technology Center’s 2019 Innovations in Technology for Teaching and Learning Award.
The hands-on tool gives students the opportunity to form different types of molecules in 3D. “If the students are able to build molecules in 3D instead of drawing on paper, move and rotate the molecules on screen with the click of a mouse, they will be better equipped to predict how molecules interact,” said Chattopadhyay.
The WebMO interface is designed for students to tackle complex subject matters in chemistry without having to conduct high level math and coding according to Chattopadhyay. “WebMO will take an input structure from what the student has built on a screen and send the input to simulation programs for calculation,” she said. “It will then take the output file and convert it back into something that can be displayed on a computer screen.”
The goal of the proposal is to include WebMO into all course levels. “It’s going to impact a whole lot of students, whether they’re a chemistry major or not. Many students take chemistry courses that may fulfill their natural sciences requirement,” said Chattopadhyay. “My ultimate goal is, if you are taking a chemistry class, you should see what’s cutting-edge. It goes beyond a department vision. It’s more of a vision for the campus.”
“WebMO will act as a bridge between chemistry, mathematics and coding so that students can focus on the practical implications of the results,” Chattopadhyay continued.
Chattopadhyay intends to test out the program this fall in her physical chemistry class. She’s looking forward to seeing her proposal come to fruition. “You have a vision, but seeing it completely unfold the way it’s intended will bring me the maximum joy,” she said.
Chattopadhyay will be recognized at the university’s convocation on Aug. 29 with the other recipients of the university awards.