Attenborough honored with statewide distinguished teaching award

Written by Dr. Benjamin V.C. Collins, Wisconsin Section of the Mathematical Association of America on April 30, 2021, 9:04 am |Campus & CommunitySTEM
Dr. Holly Attenborough

Dr. Holly Attenborough, associate professor of mathematics at UW-Platteville, was recently honored with the 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award from the Wisconsin Section of the Mathematical Association of America.

The Wisconsin Section Distinguished Teaching Award was established in 1991 to emphasize the high importance that colleges and universities in Wisconsin place on teaching mathematics. Winning nominees must display extraordinary success in teaching mathematics. At most, one award is given per year. Attenborough is the 25th recipient in the 30-year history of the award, and the fourth from UW-Platteville. 

“It is no surprise to me that Dr. Attenborough has been recognized with this award,” said Dr. Molly Gribb, dean of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science. “She is passionate about mathematics and passionate about student learning. Dr. Attenborough continues a long legacy of excellence in teaching mathematics on the UW-Platteville campus, and I am very pleased to congratulate her on this recognition from the MAA – Wisconsin Section.” 

Attenborough has been a member of the Mathematics Department for nine years, during which she has taught 15 different courses, ranging from Math Explorations for non-science majors to Abstract Algebra for math majors. She has supervised a variety of senior seminar and independent study projects. Attenborough also helped develop a new first-year mathematics seminar, to be taught for the first time in fall of 2021. 

“Dr. Attenborough understands the importance of building positive connections with the students to build rapport,” said Dr. Timothy Deis, professor of mathematics. 

Attenborough has also served as advisor for the Mathematics Club and has led groups of students to the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Lincoln, Nebraska.

“She is a phenomenal lecturer, but she also is truly gifted at creating in-class activities and outside projects to help students explore and interact with the material,” said Dr. Daniel Wackwitz, assistant professor of mathematics. 

Attenborough was honored at the Wisconsin Section’s Annual Meeting, which took place virtually on April 23. Upon receipt of additional supporting material, Attenborough will become the Wisconsin Section nominee for the MAA's Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.